Varicose veins: more than just a cosmetic problem
In everyday life, spider veins are only an aesthetic nuisance for many people. However, if they become varicose veins, this is an indication of a weakness in the connective tissue. If varicose veins also cause health problems such as swollen, heavy or aching legs, you should visit our vein specialist.
Varicose veins are swollen and crooked veins where the venous valves are not working properly. When standing or sitting, the blood is no longer transported back to the heart quickly enough. This leads to a so-called vasoconstriction. The cause is a weakening of the supporting and connective tissue.
Varicose veins often develop slowly and unnoticed over years. Studies confirm that 90 percent of adults have a vein change. Typical of varicose veins are bluish strands of veins and thick venous tangles with skin swelling.
Where does the name varicose veins come from?
In old German they were called Krumpadern, which means crooked veins. Over the centuries, the term has changed to varicose veins, which is not a correct term, but a common one. When you think of cramps in your legs, you usually think of varicose veins, but cramps are not a typical symptom of spider veins. Incidentally, these do not only affect seniors; younger people can also be affected, especially if there is a family history of weak connective tissue.