Photo: Orawan – Adobe Stock
We want you to stay healthy! They also?
Prostate cancer in particular can usually be cured if it is detected early. And here man(s) is asked to take responsibility: over the years you have built up a lot, taken responsibility, made far-sighted precautions.
Now is the time to take preventive health care to maintain and enjoy what has been achieved in the long term!
The earlier prostate cancer is detected, the higher the chances of recovery! Therefore, the prostate check-up is one of the most important for men over the age of 45. Because: Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers in the stronger sex.
Clarity is actually a man thing
A special symbol is even dedicated to prostate cancer screening: the blue ribbon stands for creating more awareness of the importance of screening. You have questions about the examination, the procedure or treatment options. Our urology in Dénia is at your disposal for any questions.
As Artur Schopenhauer already knew: health is not everything, but without health everything is nothing.