Your ENT doctor in Dénia
Your ENT doctor in Dénia
Photo: andrey_orlov – Adobe Stock
What does the ENT do?
The doctor for the senses
The ENT specialist deals with three major organ systems: breathing in the nose and throat, digestion in the mouth and throat, and sensory perception in the nose, mouth and throat.
He treats injuries, changes in shape, tumors and deformities as well as voice, speech, language and hearing disorders.
Using an endoscope, he examines the larynx, nasopharynx, esophagus and trachea. He checks lymph nodes by means of palpation, as well as thickening and nodules in the thyroid and salivary glands.
To clarify the diagnosis, the ENT in Dénia uses ultrasound and CT. He also has other state-of-the-art diagnostic and treatment methods at his disposal.
Our services
Your ENT doctor Dénia
Mirror examination
Hearing test
Balance testing
Smell test
Nose surgeries
Tinnitus Analysis
Magnifying laryngoscope
Minimally invasive surgeries
Sleep screening
What diseases does the ENT doctor treat?
Some of the treatment areas
Sinus infection
A sinus infection is a chronic or acute inflammation of the mucous membrane in the paranasal sinuses. During the examination, the specialist can determine whether it may be part of a general respiratory disease
Tinnitus is a recurring perception of tones and noises such as hissing, buzzing or whistling in the ear. This often means a high level of suffering for those affected. There is also the so-called pulsating tinnitus, which means hearing the heartbeat in the ear.
Diseases of the upper respiratory tract
These include colds with a runny nose and sore throat. Other symptoms can include a lack of sense of smell, nosebleeds and fever.
Your ENT in Dénia is your point of contact at, among other things
Chronic hoarseness
Allergic complaints
Burning Mouth Syndrome
Hearing loss
Tumors of the salivary glands
Odor disorders
Balance disorders
Nasal concha surgery
Nasal septum correction
Earwax plug
Glandular fever
Nasal bone fracture
Frontal sinusitis
Your specialists

Dra Paola Barbieri
Specialist in ear, nose and throat diseases, ear, nose and throat surgery, throat sonography and sleep medicine

Johan Sagel
Graduated hearing aid acoustician, audiometry

Dr. Ismael Roig
Specialist in ear, nose and throat diseases, ear, nose and throat surgery, throat sonography and sleep medicine