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Memory disorders or already beginning dementia?
On January 24, 2023, we were again guests at the Euroclub Dénia. This time the topic was "Hearing loss in adults: acute or chronic. Dr. Christoph Meyer-Josten, clinical...
Specialists for your nervous system
NeuroClinicum: Your team of specialists for your nervous systemWhether migraine, stroke, dementia, tumors, multiple sclerosis or back surgery: At the NeuroClinicum...
Flu protection now!
Flu vaccination in Spain: Why it is so important now!Many can hear the word vaccination anymore and we know that many are just tired of it. We can more than understand...
In the best hands …
Osteopathy: With us you are in the best hands!Joint problems, lumbago, shoulder pain? "We have something against it," says osteopath Juanma Peramo. Until recently, the...
Colorectal cancer screening: prevention instead of cure!
Photo: Victor Manuel Perez Bolufer Prevention instead of cure: This is why colorectal cancer screening is so importantIt is widespread - but also easily curable,...
Vitamin B12 deficiency: When the nerves suffer
Photo: undrey - Adobe StockVitamin B12 deficiency: When nerves suffer ... Spring is finally here and awakens the spirits of life again! However, if you still feel tired...
Prostate cancer screening: We want you to stay healthy! They also?
Photo: Orawan - Adobe StockWe want you to stay healthy! They also?Prostate cancer in particular can usually be cured if it is detected early. And here man(s) is asked...
Varicose veins: Not just a cosmetic problem
Varicose veins: more than just a cosmetic problemIn everyday life, spider veins are only an aesthetic nuisance for many people. However, if they become varicose veins,...
10 refreshing tips for hot summer days
Although we are used to warmth and sun on the Costa Blanca, the early and persistent heat wave does not only affect older people. The experts at your Policlínica...
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